• Breaking News

    Tuesday, August 18, 2020

    Death Stranding AMA WITH KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS: Akio Sakamoto - Chief Technical Officer, Hideki Sasaki - Technical Art Director, Hiroaki Yoshiike - Lead Level Designer

    Death Stranding AMA WITH KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS: Akio Sakamoto - Chief Technical Officer, Hideki Sasaki - Technical Art Director, Hiroaki Yoshiike - Lead Level Designer

    AMA WITH KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS: Akio Sakamoto - Chief Technical Officer, Hideki Sasaki - Technical Art Director, Hiroaki Yoshiike - Lead Level Designer

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    AMA WITH KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS: Akio Sakamoto - Chief Technical Officer, Hideki Sasaki - Technical Art Director, Hiroaki Yoshiike - Lead Level Designer

    Hi everyone! Hope you're all well and keeping safe. Antonela here again, Senior Brand Community Manager at 505 Games working on DEATH STRANDING with the team at KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS. DEATH STRANDING is all about establishing connections, so what better way to emphasise that message than to give you all another opportunity to speak to more members of the team!

    This week, we have not 1 but 3 members of KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS on board answering your questions...

    Akio Sakamoto - Chief Technical Officer

    Hideki Sasaki - Technical Art Director

    Hiroaki Yoshiike - Lead Level Designer

    The AMA session will be held here in this thread, from August 21, 2020 at 14:00 JP / 22:00 PST / 07:00 CET. REPLIES WILL COME FROM u/KojiPro_

    Of course, the team won't be able to reply to you all and there will be questions they can't respond to, but they'll do their very best to cover as many as possible.

    Leave your questions here now and they'll answer as many as they can on the day. See you guys on Friday :)

    Keep on keeping on!

    IMPORTANT: Please remain respectful, avoid spoilers, think outside the box. The best Q&As will feature as part of our next Community Blog, over on the DEATH STRANDING PC website!


    For more info...

    STEAM – https://bit.ly/SteamDS

    EPIC - https://bit.ly/EpicGamesDS

    AMA - AUGUST 21, 2020

    submitted by /u/Animated_A505
    [link] [comments]

    Cross the bridge

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    Die-Hardman doodle by me :)

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Tribute art for finally completing Death Stranding over the weekend, on PS4. It was the hardest cry I've had in a long while ���� (@ChristinaDrawin)

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    Amazon worker baby in pod and age rain

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    tomorrow is your hands

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    This is it. This is the whole game. 10/10

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Fighting BTs : before and after

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    This is what I get for building all the roads for these people

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    Quick little art I made inspired by one of the coolest scenes in the game!

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 07:36 PM PDT

    Mother: Just Keep Her Safe OK? Sam:ok��

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    I don't usually fight back but when I do...

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    Death Stranding easter egg in Flight Simulator 2020 (LEBB)

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Do be like that sometimes

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    ,,Run Boy Run! This world is not made for you''

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    Just had one of the scariest moments I've ever had in this game

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    I was driving in around and I happen to pass by the ruined roadside Factory, and if you've played the game for any decent length of time you know that the ruined roadside Factory almost always has time fall at it I happen to come across at one of the times that it didn't so I decided I can stop my adventure temporarily to look at the factory in a bit more detail then i had before, so I stopped and got out of my car and started looking around for a a small amount of time going through the factory, and essentially taking a little bit to enjoy the details of this particular point of the world, then in matter of 3 Seconds it goes from "beep beep beep" to me getting chased 5 BTs

    I got a 3 minute vid of it too https://youtu.be/CZcGcujegaY

    submitted by /u/Eragon_Auditore
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    Who are these figures? If they are Extinction entities why they have human silhouettes?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 02:09 PM PDT


    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 12:02 PM PDT



    submitted by /u/riopopo
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    How to get legend of legends on delivery time focused orders?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    I tried to search for some info on this but couldn't come up with what I was looking for. Every time I do a premium delivery with a time limit, I never get legend of legends rating for it, even though I'm way under the time limit and no damage to the cargo. I have no problem getting lol on the other types of premium deliveries. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/Grave_Digger606
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    I recently got a 144hz monitor with g-sync 1440p and im really confused why its capping at 60 fps

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    I tried lowering the resolution to see if that was the actual performance but it capped as well. I set the max frame rate to 240, In Nvidia control panel, V-Sync, max frame rate is off and im just really confused.

    submitted by /u/xam323
    [link] [comments]

    Im so happy that I gave Death Stranding a try. Enjoying every minute of it, and just losing myself in this world. Keep on keeping on!

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    Guess The Area One More Time Part 10

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Timefall Snow has no ageing affect?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    Just a random question that poped into my mind while playing the game. Not sure if this has been asked before. I just watched Sam Protagonist collapse on his cot for the umpteenth time, covered in timefall snow. Why doesn't the snow age you like the fall rain. I can understand that in its frozen state the effects may be neutralized, but it must melt right? and the snow does age our containers. this is propbaly a dumb question, spawned from a mind that been playing this game for over 8 hrs. but if you'll indulge me, i thanks ya.

    submitted by /u/ACowNamedStan
    [link] [comments]

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