• Breaking News

    Monday, November 2, 2020

    Death Stranding Thank you all of Kojima Productions Staff👍

    Death Stranding Thank you all of Kojima Productions Staff��

    Thank you all of Kojima Productions Staff��

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 12:20 PM PST

    I Refuse To Admit How Long I Attempted This

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 02:41 AM PST

    I love this game so much! Wish I could take better photos in photo mode.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 02:28 PM PST

    My Truck and I just taking in the mountain view====Offline play, did everything myself roads, ziplines etc. This is me resting while taking xl max material from veteran porter route all the way to mountain knot city to build its roads.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:21 PM PST

    Just joined, first post. Someone said I should share this so here it is.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 02:07 AM PST

    Some amazing shots

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 08:12 PM PST

    Worst situation, Wonderful view

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 04:58 AM PST

    Wish the game didn't have to end.. Thank you Kojima Productions.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:47 PM PST

    Just got BB, then found out there was photomode, first of many!

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 12:10 PM PST

    Forgetting you is like breathing water...

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 03:35 PM PST

    IRL Version Of Porters - Sherpas In The Himalayas

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:54 PM PST

    I was watching "Death Stranding"-related videos in Youtube. I guess this is the reason why this video was recommended to me?


    EDIT: the title is "The Porter"

    I think there was also a John Oliver video once about Sherpas, and it showed them using ladders to cross chasms (the next 2 videos are the sources of those clips):




    submitted by /u/Tsai_Ming-Li
    [link] [comments]

    Death Stranding with Ray Traycing enabled

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 02:38 PM PST

    This is fine...

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 11:34 AM PST

    Can i do multipal save files?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 03:45 PM PST

    Hi i wanna play the game but i dont wanna overwrite my brothers save file. If i create a new psn account can i create my own save file?


    submitted by /u/papa_teo
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    Death stranding | final walk - bbs theme | ANIMATED

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 10:30 AM PST

    Community Updates from 505 Games

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 02:23 AM PST

    Community Updates from 505 Games

    Hi everyone! Hope you're all well and keeping safe. Antonela here, Director of Global Community here at 505 Games, working on DEATH STRANDING. Here today with a few community updates.

    Firstly, did you know that DEATH STRANDING has been nominated in the 38th Golden Joystick Awards for PC Game of the Year? Voting ends TODAY so please consider voting for us here!


    What's more, we have 30% OFF DEATH STRANDING PC over on Steam and the Epic Games Store, for a very limited time as part of their Halloween sales!

    Steam: http://bit.ly/SteamDSEpic Games: http://bit.ly/EpicGamesDS



    Finally, a HUGE thank you to everyone that look part in our latest AMA last week. We were delighted to welcome Tommie Earl Jenkins, who kindly spent a significant amount of time answering your questions! For the full rundown, head on over here: DEATH STRANDING AMA.


    Take care, keep on keeping on!

    submitted by /u/Animated_A505
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    Camera rotation stuttering

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 06:51 PM PST

    I recently picked up the PC version on sale, as i've wanted to buy this game since release, i am loving it so far, and it runs beautifully on my rig, (I am using a mouse and keyboard) but there is this one bug where sometimes in areas of high activity, my camera rotation will become jumpy ans segmented, almost like a lag spike but only the camera rotation lags. Everything else is smooth, does anyone have a fix for this? Maybe it has something to do with control scheme importation? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/skeege2
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    Death Stranding Sequel Idea - Boats!

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 12:31 PM PST

    I know, I know, we've already pounded this meat a bunch of times and a lot of people don't even want a sequel, but I had an idea spawn in my brain that I enjoy the thought of so much that I actually jolted in my chair.


    We spend the vast majority of DS on land, either on our own two feet or on a group of wheels. Even when we come into contact with water we have to traverse it as quickly as possible, and the few times we cross it there is zero interaction.

    What if, in a sequel, larger bodies of water aren't all tarpits, and we spend a good portion of the game traveling across lakes, rivers, and even oceans in various ways. We could have multiple upgrades for different varieties of vessels, and those vessels could be a raft, rowboat, speedboat, yacht, etc.. Then we could even still have land-traversing sections as we get closer to our destinations.

    submitted by /u/HazelrahFiver
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    Do I need to create a new save?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 04:15 PM PST

    I started my save on a none HDR/4k tv, but I just got one . Do I need to start a save or will it automatically adapt the settings?

    submitted by /u/Robot_challenges
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    Any 'missable' content or items?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 11:34 AM PST

    EDIT: subreddit search did not pull this up earlier but I got the right string into google to get my answer here: Looks like nothing is missable: https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathStranding/comments/dtuhzi/are_side_missions_missable/

    Hey all,

    Recently picked up the game on sale and really enjoying it. I'm in episode two, I thiiink towards the end of it. At the moment it feels very difficult for me to backtrack, and I'm thinking of just continuing to progress in the main story before going back and doing the side missions I have left.

    The game seems to have kept bugging me about the 'lambda orders' that I got in my mail, it seems to be telling me they're important but at this point it would take me quite a while to go back and do those now. when i tried to search about these it just seemed cosmetic PC exclusives, but want to make sure they don't expire at some point.

    Is it safe to continue progressing through the story, or are there any 'point of no return' moments in the game? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/coolpersononline
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    [EPISODE 6 SPOILERS] Just started Episode 6 and..

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 08:53 AM PST

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