• Breaking News

    Wednesday, May 27, 2020

    Death Stranding Higgs by me. (Other variants in the comment)

    Death Stranding Higgs by me. (Other variants in the comment)

    Higgs by me. (Other variants in the comment)

    Posted: 27 May 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    Low Roar really makes driving through BT zones much more relaxing

    Posted: 27 May 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    It's been a busy time for games but I managed to keep my promise to an amazing game.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    Over 150 hours of gameplay, also my 5000th Trophy!

    Posted: 27 May 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    Sam porter bridges by me

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    Calm down Sam it’s just a hologram..

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    A motion poster I made for 'Death Stranding' as part of a personal project, making cinematic-style posters for the games of the generation. More information in the comments.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    Hurry Sam, I’ll be waiting for you at the beach, also bring pizza.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    Got My Merch Today! Excited for PC Release!

    Posted: 27 May 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    It's good to be back

    Posted: 27 May 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    I was admonished in a comment section for not explicitly paying attention. Since I don't pay explicit attention ... Why is the whale white? Is this a moby dick thing and kojima chasing it? And why swimming upside down?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    New hoodie from the Kojima online store came in, just in time for the summer...

    Posted: 27 May 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    DOOMS Levels Explained

    Posted: 27 May 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    In game, they only mention details of a few different DOOMS levels and their abilities. I've been searching and searching but haven't been able to find a complete list describing all of the levels. Has anyone else found one?

    submitted by /u/Futurama_Llama
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    Walkman, holograms and emails, the small rocks in Death Strandings boots (light spoilers)

    Posted: 27 May 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I recently completed the game and am taking a few days to digest the experience before making a decision to go back to the game or wait for a modded PC version. The reason I question myself about replaying the game has to do with the (lack of) investment I get out of the world now than I have finished the main deliveries.

    While playing Chapter 3 I had an urge to complete the road going from Lake Knot City to South Knot City. I wanted to complete it as it greatly facilitates the distribution in that area. I did not. Why ? Because after a while I realised that I did not care much for the NPCs I was delivering stuff too (especially the distribution centers) plus that it was becoming too much of a grind to transport the materials through the map. At that point I had the reflexion that the only thing driving me throught the deliveries was to advance the main plot, and that I did not really care for any of the preppers. I wanted to understand where that feeling came from. After some thought, especially now that I have finished the game, I can point out what didn't cut it for me.

    1/ Silence and boredom

    While it's a thrill to pass through a new area in the main story, once the terrain is well known it becomes quickly repetitive. Most of the back and forth in the main deliveries are covered by the amazing soundtrack of the game, but once the main story ends... well all we're left with are samples that props when near a structure. This is annoying because 1) the soundtrack is magic, 2) there is no good reason once the game is completed not to let us enjoy it freely 3) it completely kills the rythm to stop near a structure to listen the first 15 secs of a good song or stop at a private room to do so. I know many have pointed out this absence and I think it's gonna be one of the first mods for the PC version and to me it gives a second breath to the whole experiences.

    2/ Stop, read, play, repeat

    The previous issue leads me to a second one that is very similar: the lack of dubbed emails. The content of the emails (and the interviews) is crucial to a complete understanding of the lore and the ''science'' behind the events and phenomenon in the game. They give key informations about the different characters and are sometimes straight up necessary to progress in the game. Thus, the fact that we need to stop the game and sit for minutes reading them is one of the worst part of the experience. I managed to make it not so bad by playing music at the same time... but it was more of a lesser of two evils than anything else. I wish the KP took the time to make audio files for every email and interviews so we can listen to them while making deliveries. We could have gotten more insights on the persons we helpf without spending hours reading through it. Also it dumbs out the whole thing because some of the emails have deep and sad content that were totally ruined to me by the smurky face of the preppers in the left corner... I guess it mimicks current social communication but it ends up just as dull and numb as the real thing.

    3/ Holograms will not replace humans

    The third issue I have is the fact that you (almost) never meet any of the preppers in the game. It doesn't make sense and it numbs any possible relationship. I cannot bond with an hologram, especially when it ends up saying the same thing again and again after some point. It also breaks the immersion since I cannot believe any of these person deliberatly stay inside their shelter all their lives and never leave not even to smell the fresh air... It would have been very appreciated to actually see them in person doing random stuff around their shelters (gardening, farming, resting). I know the world is suppose to be extreme and harsh but then you read emails about them going outside and doing all kind of stuff which just let's you wonder why they never come and meet Sam.

    4/ Select Shelter, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V

    In direct relation with the previous point, I find it lame that most of the shelter are copy-pasted and that you can't get in them. I believe it would have made the deliveries much more exciting for me if I knew I would get to see a new interior after each time and share a moment with a prepper. And just the fact that every shelter would've been unique would've make it good. Expecially since everyone it referred to by their profession, I would've like to visit the Chiral Artist studio or the Crafstman workplace. The same can be said about the ''cities'' that are inhabited only by soldiers and delivery guys for some reason. In the end I found myself having a lot of fun going through MULE's camp to see how they live and explore their camps, the same can be said with the Timefall Farm which is the only place in the game that has a different design (even though you never actually see the farmers farming anything).

    I must say that I find it odd that this game repeats the same problems that MGS5 open-world had: basically being very life-empty aside from 2 - 3 camps. Now the game does not really need NPCs running about every 100 meters but I can't but think that the absurd joy and excitement I had when I met my first porters (leading to descend a 60 meters cliff, almost loosing all my cargo and killing myself just to interact with them) is due to this unnecessary excess of solitude.

    Tell me what you think and if you've had the same thoughts (or not!). RIght now I'm rather excited for the PC version anyways because I know that an in-game walkman will be about the very first things added which will fix a major absence imo and turn the game into pure therapy.

    submitted by /u/Opredor
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    Getting through Timefall on vehicle?

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    Just made the first trip to Port Knot City and got caught by BT's three times. (Side note: it said some cargo got damaged and lost but I haven't noticed any.)

    I was on the Reversebike while traversing this tiny rocky valley, which is why I got caught.

    Is there a better way to travel through Timefall in/on a vehicle without getting caught?

    submitted by /u/CafeRoaster
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    Crossing rainbows and my rusty ol' truck on a poster :D

    Posted: 27 May 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Need a new phone wallpaper? roll 90 (or -90) for some nice portrait sized photo

    Posted: 27 May 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    my parents just walked in on me playing death stranding and...

    Posted: 27 May 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    This is more than a game

    Posted: 27 May 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    I'm sure that if you are a fan of this game enough to join this subreddit, you understand that Death Stranding is not your typical game. I fell in love with Death Stranding from the minute I started it because I knew it would venture into territory that other creators might deem too "risky". Sure, you have your missions and delivery quests with some gun play and stealth thrown in, but it's the in-between moments that really get me. To me, it's a whole video game dedicated to the idea of not giving up, even when the going gets especially tough. I'm at a point in my life where the going has gotten tough. Tough enough to the point that I want to give up. I didnt know THIS was the feeling I would get when playing, and I have to say it was something I really needed. This "video game" has acted as a kind of therapy to me, and really helps calm me down enough to figure out what step I need to take next in real life struggles. Death Stranding taught me how to keep pushing forward when faced with something seemingly insurmountable, and that I am not alone while doing so. Thank you to the creators of the game for bringing this to life, and thank you to the porters who reminded me that even when it looks bleak, theres another "Keep on keeping on" sign just around the bend.

    submitted by /u/abowser1
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    Death Stranding reference in a manga called "Aharen san is Unfathomable" Ch74

    Posted: 26 May 2020 12:25 PM PDT

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