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    Thursday, February 13, 2020

    Death Stranding Same Energy

    Death Stranding Same Energy

    Same Energy

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 07:00 AM PST

    LeitNiakris as Mama. Photo by Azproductioncosp.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 01:24 PM PST

    So worth it!!!

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 02:29 PM PST

    Made a Lego Brickheadz of Sam!

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 06:09 PM PST

    Some images from the Art Book Death Stranding leaked online. Yoji Shinkawa's first sketch for Death Stranding is much darker and more terrifying.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 08:29 PM PST

    submitted by /u/thangpv2
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    What does SAM stand for? Found a couple shipping containers that may know.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 02:57 PM PST

    Just got the game because it’s half off on the psn

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 06:49 PM PST

    What the hell lol the story is insane. I'm someone who skips cutscenes but damn not this game I'm so interested and feel like I'm watching a well directed movie. I'm a fan now.

    submitted by /u/denka77
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    unintentional death stranding

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 06:55 PM PST

    How I introduced my mom to Death Stranding (and changed my appreciation for the game in the process)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 07:57 AM PST

    [This is gonna be a little heavy and quite personal, but I need to vent. Thanks and apologies in advance.]

    I'm not new to Kojima's oeuvre. I've played Metal Gear: Solid Snake, Snake Eater, and Phantom Pain — I've also watched dozens of hours of analysis of the MGS games I didn't play. I knew Death Stranding would be a ride, but what I didn't know was that I would do something wild this time: experience it with my mom.

    A little background on mom: she's not a gamer, far from it. Despite having two sons who grew up playing games, she never really paid it much attention. She's an avid consumer of audiovisual media, though. For years she spent hours upon hours watching and rewatching her favorite movies, her DVD collection was epic. Recently, though, she stopped watching movies and started getting into series. Only when it was already too late I realized it was because her memory was failing — she couldn't retain info from 120min of plot, so 30min bites (in which plot points are repeated over and over in each episode) worked better for her.

    Well, last Saturday I decided to spend the afternoon with her. I grabbed some snacks and went to my brother's house, where she lives 'cause she can't manage it on her own anymore. I took Death Stranding for my brother, so he could play it while I fuel my addiction to The Sims 4 unravel the mysteries in CONTROL, and I don't know how or why, but the box art caught her attention.

    "What's that?", she asked.

    "It's a game for [HAL's brother]", I replied. Then this crazy idea occurred to me: I knew there were "movie" edits of Death Stranding on YouTube, even some dubbed in our native language (we are from Brazil and mom doesn't vibe with subtitles). "Do you wanna watch it together? It's like a movie, we could just watch for the plot. It's quite good."

    She agreed, so we got our snacks and off we went to binge on over 7hrs of pure Kojima weirdness.

    Which wasn't all that weird, when I look back on it. Is Death Stranding a crazy ride? No doubt about it! But as mom kept asking me the same questions every 15min, my replies turned out to be quite... accessible, I guess?

    "What's with the baby? Why is this guy carrying them?", she asked, to which I replied, "It's a bridge baby, he was taken alive out of the womb of his dead mother, so he has a direct connection with the other side."

    "What are those black handprints?", she asked, to which I replied, "Those are beached things, they are the spirits of the dead who couldn't go fully into the sea of death, so they crave for the living, like phantoms."

    "What's up with the beaches?", she asked, to which I replied, "Beaches are transient ecosystems, the edge between land and sea. If you imagine life is land, and death is the sea, the beach is the place where you must cross."

    "Why is [Sam] covered in bruises?", she asked, to which I replied, "His body is allergic to touch, so every time someone touches him, it leaves a mark."

    That went on and on for hours, the same questions coming again and again, and every time I replied, it was slightly different, but it helped me have much more appreciation for the plot in Death Stranding.

    It is weird, true, but it speaks truths that are spiritual and deep, something we rarely see in any media, and it is specially rare in games.

    Mom ended up falling asleep just before one of the endings. As Sam and Amélie discussed the final decision he had to make on her beach, mom dozed off and slept soundly. She had enjoyed the trip along Kojima's surreal world of BT's, BB's, connection and death. She doesn't remember much of it, but I'm up for watching it all again with her, if she so desires.

    But now... Now Death Stranding speaks to me on another level. The songs, which were already good, now speak to me on a personal level. The conflict and reconnection between Sam and Amélie/Bridget, the relationship between mother and son, has another meaning to me. It saddens me to no end, though, so I can't think too much about Death Stranding without getting misty eyed. I feel a bit like Heartman, scared that our beaches will isolate us from each other forever.

    This game, this story, will always be something I shared with the most important person in my life. She taught me a lot, and it's because she compelled me to use an English-Portuguese dictionary to better understand the games on my Mega Drive (Sega Genesis) when I was 7 that I can share this story with you folks.

    So... on a final note, hear me out: try to connect with someone you love before it's too late. We'll be alone in our beaches when our time comes, and no one knows what waits for us in the sea, but right now we are on land, walking uncertain steps towards who-knows-what. Let's not waste time with silly quarrels and pettiness.

    More ropes and less sticks.

    Thanks for listening, HAL out.

    submitted by /u/HALover9kBR
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    Came home to this �� Happy Valentines everyone x

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 09:16 PM PST

    I did 499/500 Legend of Legends deliveries...offline

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:06 AM PST

    Isn’t it kind of ironic that a bonus scene from Ride from Norman Reedus was uploaded to YouTube by a channel named “BT”?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 01:48 PM PST

    Finally! ��

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 02:55 PM PST

    Stolen. But sure reminds me of something...

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 09:34 AM PST

    Highway complete!

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 06:25 PM PST

    I finally finished the highway in my data center or whatever it's called. I had help with several of the pavers, which saved me on the last 2 today. I was hoping for a trophy for it, but whatever.

    submitted by /u/bloganonagain
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    The Demon Girl Next Stranding

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 07:25 AM PST

    BTS might be easier to handle sometimes.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 02:09 PM PST

    To all the people who moan that people are taking pics of their TV instead of crisp images...

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 10:17 PM PST

    Saw this at my work. Had to post. Sorry for not splicing a picture with this.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 06:23 PM PST

    Every time I see a mountain, I think to myself, "I could probably get over it in 30 minutes or so...". Seriously this game has messed up my sense of distance ��

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 03:50 AM PST

    What I believe sets Death Stranding apart from other open world games like RDR2

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 12:44 PM PST

    There's probably a thousand things I could talk about here, but I just wanted to share my thoughts on why I think death stranding is the only game that's ever made me want to put more than 200 hours into it and not stop.

    I was obsessed with Red Dead 2 a year ago, and I still think it is amazing and a masterpiece. However, once you've played through the story more than twice, and explored as much of the map as possible, you'll start to see some of the same dialogues and the endgame kind of leaves me with an empty feeling, just wandering trying to find something I haven't seen before (though there is plenty). The amount and quality of dialogue and general details in RDR2 is astounding, but death stranding does something different

    death stranding doesn't rely on dialogue and discoveries to keep the game interesting, it is a world and a game design that allows for a myriad of play styles, possibilities, and a sense of making a difference. Building new structures, upgrading other players' structures, finding new routes never taken before just doesn't seem to get old for me. Plus the actual feeling of traversal is so gratifying that I enjoy every second of what I'm doing, even if I'm just walking somewhere to pick up a new order.

    At some point at the end of most open world games I've played, I feel like I've seen it all and I'm just wandering looking for something to do. Death Stranding feels like I'm always doing something, and it's so satisfying and relaxing. I realize this opinion is the opposite of what many other people feel

    submitted by /u/mronins
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    [Endgame] The thing about Higgs.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 07:05 PM PST

    Just finished the game. I loved it, big time. I can overlook some plot-holes and inconsistencies because I get what Kojima wanted to deliver, and hell, I had a LOT of fun playing it through.

    But there is this thing on my mind that's bugging me and I wanted to share it. It's about Higgs. I know there's a lot of posts about "what was Amelidget doing working with Higgs?" And I get the "Bridgelie was kinda torn apart on her EE role" answer, mostly. BUT:

    What would happen if Higgs character was completely erased from the game? What would change?

    Plot-wise, I'm afraid the answer is nothing, but maybe I'm missing something here.

    Obviously, "terrorists" of some sort are necessary to make the lie of Woman in Red being held against her will. But Higgs actions have no effect whatsoever on the plot. The "terrorist menace" could remain faceless and inconcrete all the way down and it would work even better.

    POTUSEE needs Sam to connect the chiral network to bring beaches minds together. Wich he does. Or else, to avoid extinction. Wich he does. And Higgs was, at first, working with her, so actually he never tried to stop Sam. But even when he decides to turn on Bridget, he basically walks huge BT's around and tries to.bomb cities, wich may be mass murder but not on an apocalyptic scale.

    His powers over BT's are inherited from Amelie (sorry, run out of aliases), and as far as I understood the whole thing, these powers don't play a role in bringing the final Death Stranding about. I don't even see what does he try to accomplish by making a giant humanoid BT wear Amelie and himself as a band-aid. A void-out? He would not even kill Sam permanently, right? Actually, is she even there? What's the point, from Higgs perspective, to make Sam think she's in mortal danger, when he is already trying to connect edge knot to the network?

    I understand the need for a charismatic villain, but halfway into the game I was pretty sure that the only real antagonist was Amelie herself, so Higgs seemed kind of a toll to pay to have "badass bosses". But a villain with no clear goals except being creepy mean is a major bullshit villain, on a dramatic level.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/AMorganFreeman
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