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    Friday, January 17, 2020

    Death Stranding I hope I’m not breaking any copyright code or something...

    Death Stranding I hope I’m not breaking any copyright code or something...

    I hope I’m not breaking any copyright code or something...

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 11:20 AM PST

    Went to the Lake District, reminded me of the wind farm.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 01:31 PM PST

    Got a free DS folder / sticker from my local hobby store

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:12 AM PST

    This took way too long to make, but it was totally worth it :)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:28 AM PST

    Petition to make this a wearable suit?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:32 PM PST

    Believed and achieved.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:54 PM PST

    Higgs Painting WIP/Rough Draft by me! Going to turn this to a traditional mixed media painting. Gold parts will be 24k gold leafing.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 12:33 PM PST

    My shirts finally came in! Glad to represent another Kojima masterpiece!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 02:55 PM PST

    [No Spoilers] Just started playing the game this past week. Read all the “the game really opens up in chapter 3” comments. I kept wondering when that was gonna happen. Then I stumbled upon a Mule camp, literally took all their mats, loaded them up on a truck, and built two main roads! I’m loving it!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:40 PM PST

    Hey everyone! I just started playing the game this past week. I've been very skeptical about the game going in. I read all the "game is a walking simulator bro" comments. So I was like, eh. Despite being a long time Kojima fan. So I got in with GameFly this week instead to try it out.

    Starting off, I was immediately blown away by the graphics, obviously. That was a given. Story wise, even 3 chapters in, I KIND of have an idea what's going on, but still....kinda confused lmao. I was doing my deliveries for the first few chapters, kept wondering when the game was gonna "open up" as everyone says. So I decided to keep on with it. Had a couple of bad run ins with some BTs. Had the BB's anxiety or whatever through the rough to where I couldn't even make use of him. So I kept saying man, when are things gonna lighten up for me!

    THEN, I'm trekking around the world in chapter 3, when I come across a Mule camp. I had to go in it for a mission. And while there, I noticed it was LOADED with all kinds of materials. Hundreds of Cermaics, Metals. I looked at the map, I noticed there's two main roads right by the camp that are in the process of being built. That needed what's in the camp. While I'm in the camp, I notice a truck! Finally! A truck I can take! I loaded up hundreds and hundreds of materials from the camp on to the truck. As I gathered materials, I learned how to sneak up behind people and tie them up! Awesome! That makes things easier! I finally took all the materials I gathered and brought them to two different road structures and built two major highways throughout the map.

    As I now have two major highways built, I started using the truck I previously stole, to make runs between three faculties with ease! Well as I'm driving back to the camp side of the world, I notice other players delivered the last bit of materials needed to finish the OTHER highway not far off! Now half the worlds roads are now connected in my world Bc I robbed a mule camp, connected two highways, and other players finished the other one! That is fucking awesome!

    I know this is kind of a long read, but I just wanted to share my excitement with the game at this point. I never thought it was boring really, even at the beginning. But I was thinking to myself "when am I gonna get more tools to use? Vehicles to use? Weapons even?" And now I'm at the point where I'm getting all of those things and it's making my travels a little less stressful, a little less challenging, and it's becoming more fun! There are a few things I'm still confused about like the blood bag with hematic grenade thing, and how to do premium deliveries, still don't know how to do that for that trophy but.

    I'm really enjoying the game. I now understand what people mean by it opens up more in chapter 3 and more things get brought to your disposal.

    Only thing I'm annoyed about is that chick constantly chewing on those bugs. As someone who hates hearing people chew food, she can fuck right off. Lol

    submitted by /u/Bobaaganoosh
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    Analysis of Chirality in Death Stranding

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:57 PM PST

    I wrote this on Dec. 21, 2019 on my writing account on ig. I thought this would might be of interest to anyone who would like to know more about what chirality is, and how Kojima uses this concept in Death Stranding.

    Note: Spoiler-free

    Hideo Kojima, the mind of Death Stranding, underwent traumatic experiences in his childhood. He recalls falling listlessly into ditches, nearly drowning in a river, being attacked by a dog, and was almost killed by a train crossing the tracks. When Kojima was two, he was on a boat when his father pushed him out into the ocean. Frightened, he was filled with the fear of the swirling ocean waves, and the large ocean creatures that lurk within it. For Kojima, such memories created a strong connection with death. Feelings of solitude also took presence also in his early life, as Kojima was a latchkey child -- children so-called because they wear a key around their neck for entrance to the house since there is no one home after school.

    Loss and isolation affected him, two concepts which Kojima hated as a kid. Early on he was confronted with questions about the two concepts which were inexplicably part of the human condition. The reflections of family, friendship, life and love were in truth grossly imbalanced reminders of social horror when compared directly. The duality is equal in reflection, but inequal in superposition. This asymmetry is called "chiral": in strict definition, a natural object bearing asymmetrical properties when mirrored that is functionally identical.

    Chiral theory appears as a material function within Kojima's game. Following an apocalyptic event called the "Death Stranding", a new particle materialised within the human species, called "chiralium". Chiralium emits from corpses when they undergo necrosis, and when exposed to its radiation, humans experience "chiral allergies": usually tears.

    Tears shed without feeling isn't something physiological as one would guess, but perhaps cognitive. Life--the material world, and death--the Beach, are two planes of existence than are bridged. Prenatal babies straddle this line. Chiral allergies may be a reference to vagitus, a newborn's first cry, of which is mostly a symbolic representation of a baby's first breath of life outside of the womb. But it can also be representational of the symmetry of emotion: a happy moment signified with a smile, a sad one, tears. The sensation of an otherworldly, soul-imbuing substance has no "natural" sensation, thus it is possible that the chiral "imprint" for humans is to shed tears.

    A natural feature of the world is black tar (apart from conventional tar), of which BT's, the game's enemy, arise from. BT's are souls of the dead "Beached", and have found their way to the world of the living because of the Death Stranding. The tar is preservative, keeping entire buildings intact. The tar contains D-amino acids: the "left-handed" version of L-amino acids, the primordial soup of which life spawned from to evolve.

    The term "antimatter bomb" appears once in a while. Based on what happens in-game, it is probably more destructive than a nuclear bomb. Yet instead of being used as a WMD, it is instead used to clear massive amounts of civilisation-encroaching tar. Antimatter cores are found within BT monsters. The antimatter may be further reference to Baryon asymmetry--or the observed imbalance of antimatter and matter in the observable universe.

    Death Stranding is a world that is beautiful and empty. Its beauty comes from the patagonias, green marshlands, boughs of fir forests, bouldered river bends, and reddened rock between steaming geysers. Its natural beauty extends its emptiness--some shelters have a population of over 80,000 people that you can't see. Only the holograms of your recipients meet you. The shape of human connection is strange, even outright absurd initially. But the game shows that we need it, and learn patience from it, in the way that Kojima envisioned.

    Even as an adult, the memories of the past still drive him. Every time he travels he turns the TV on in the hotel room, just to deal with the feeling of loneliness. During the development of Death Stranding, he kept the game secret from his single-parent so she wouldn't worry. It was then when Kojima's mother passed. He comments in one interview that maybe within the faceless ghosts in the game, there is his mother and father. It is with no doubt that this world extends beyond physicality; we've longed for beyond since the ancients. We are touched by those who we love, even when they pass. They never really do, they live within our memories, and our hearts.






    submitted by /u/onigf
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    My first Death Stranding shelf (more to come)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 04:44 PM PST

    Got the Q-pid !

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:48 PM PST

    Get it together man (Wait for it) [POTENTIAL GEAR SPOILERS]

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 06:27 PM PST

    So I tried customizing my BB Pod after seeing so many great examples on here. Maybe it gets you motivated to try it for yourself on your own BB Pod! (Not a pro at this at all, just had fun in the process)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 06:42 PM PST

    Death Stranding + Metro Exodus by Maxim Verehin

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 06:37 AM PST

    Was playing Days Gone and this fuel tank was available from the local merchant. Love it

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:23 AM PST

    Thought I'd add some lights to my motorcycle for better visibility.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 07:43 PM PST

    Always carry an extra pair of boots

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:16 PM PST

    Great view

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:50 PM PST

    Sprinting Speed Comparisons (no skeleton vs speed skeleton vs power skeleton)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 01:02 PM PST

    My very own Q-pid just arrived!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:01 AM PST

    The Infirmary that you see further in the story is actually explorable via a glitch and not just there for looks.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 04:35 AM PST

    [Episode 7] This game is gorgeous

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 11:11 PM PST

    FINALLY joined the Best Beloved squad. No thanks to the Collector, Novelist's Son, and darned First Prepper. Absolutely love this game.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 12:56 PM PST

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