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    Thursday, September 24, 2020

    Death Stranding Just got this guy, now I need to finish the game...

    Death Stranding Just got this guy, now I need to finish the game...

    Just got this guy, now I need to finish the game...

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Death Stranding is a serious game with serious names.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    A BT is Among Us

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    Mountain Knot Approach

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    I snagged this from a GameStore I used to work at, feet for scale. Keep on keeping on Porters.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    "Have faith" Thanks for giving me the courage, Sam, despite that courage almost causing a mini heart attack.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    [ENDGAME] Finished the game and curious about others thought on some things in game.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    So after finishing the game in the official sense of the story being over, I decided to finish off some of the journals and whatnot I had missed during. Upon reading what I assume to be most of them, I'm still left with a bit of confusion towards certain parts. So I'd greatly appreciate your opinion on the matters I mention or more definitive answers I've glossed over.

    Okay to start off:

    I know that Sam was the very first BB, the same BB that we get visions/POV of Clifford Unger (his father), what I don't understand is how is this possible? I may have misheard but I recall at some point after Sam identifying Cliff, Deadman mentions how it seemed impossible to be an accurate identification because he was from a long long time ago. Sam doesn't seem like he'd be much older than 40 if that.

    How was Sam able to get visions of his own memories by hooking up to BB-28/Lou?

    When Sam first acquires BB-28. Deadman says that the files on the particular BB was nowhere to be found or sealed (can't remember tbh) was Lou just some random BB or was there more to her?

    The relationship between Amelie and Sam is super weird to me and even more confusing.

    I understand that on the surface, Amelie and Sam are siblings by adoption. As far as most NPCs they acknowledge this as well. Sam never really makes it out like he's romantically interested in her throughout the game, just that he has an extreme loyalty/dependence on her. There's a sentence in Lucy's journals though "His sexual desires are strictly limited to those with whom he has formed an emotional connection--excepting family members like Amelie of course." it made me have second thoughts on whether there was something more than a sibling relationship. It was mainly other people remarks towards Sam and Amelie that had me questioning. For example, messages from the Chiral Artist (as well as a few other I think) telling Sam to get his happy ending with Amelie more or less the same as she did with the Junk Dealer. Or the way Fragile says "You Love her!" while trying to locate her.

    Even after reading Lucy's Journals, I still don't understand why she would choose to kill herself and her unborn child. I know she has "nightmares" of the beach and Bridget basically told her they weren't nightmares and this is in part what pushes her to do it. As well as learning that Bridget and Amelie are one and the same, Sam's birth being what started the Stranding. I believe another thing that stumped me is the comment about how she's literally stranded with love.

    Lastly, the end with Die-Hardman and the revolver. What was the meaning of what Amelie said and Sam giving it to him? It almost seemed to me that it was insinuation for him to kill himself to right hi guilt.

    tl;dr: Sorry

    submitted by /u/sherlockpearls
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    The scenery never ceases to amaze me

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    Recommendation : Tar-made skin mask

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    This porter w the upgraded cargo truck said “2 trips? Nah, we don’t do that here” @ San Diego, CA

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:24 PM PDT

    I'm sitting here laughing my ass off

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    As I just entered the final boss fight in the pool. What a troll Kojima is, fucking legend. This is exactly what I needed from this game.

    submitted by /u/TrantaLocked
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    Go big or go home...

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    Timefall Lo-Fi Animation

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Just saw this on r/dankmemes, and thought this belonged here. Chiral Gold, my favorite color on the game. (I tried crossposting, but I couldn't and tried downloading the image but it doesn't show the name of the user, neither the sub. So I took a screenshot)

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    I finished the game 2 months ago and wanted to share my favorite photos. Also, this is my first post on Reddit, so it better be on the subreddit of one of my favorite games. Good luck to any Porter out there, keep on keeping on!

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Addicted to building roads.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    Beat the game last week but now I'm just gathering materials and building all of the roads. I've done 7-8 tonight and I have to say traveling back and forth on them after is freaking awesome. What a game.

    submitted by /u/kpot15
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    Patch Notes September 24

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 09:21 AM PDT


    1. Added Ultra Performance Mode for DLSS 2.1.
    2. Added Achievement Display Support for Epic Games Store.
    3. Improved game stability.
    submitted by /u/spoolblack
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    [Spoiler Episode 8] Absolutely loving this game, but I wish they would change this one feature

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I only just started this game cause it came out with terrible reviews from friends and ppl I follow, but I am now absolutely LOVING this game! Everything just works perfectly and scratches an itch for a game that I never knew I had... except...

    I'm 45 hours in, but there's this one mechanic I really hate - when a BT catches you, there's very little punishment besides the minor inconvenience of losing your top few cargos, and the tar circle of dragging men is too easy to escape from. Additionally the punishment for falling down and being forced into a boss battle vs an enemy that cannot possibly kill me, like ever.

    If it were up to (and a lot of you might disagree), but I would make the tar circle from being caught by a BT wider, make it so any vehicles in the tar get lost permanently (like falling in a deep river), and finally if you're bad enough to actually fall in the tar, then you get swept away, you see a cutscene of a giant BT eat you and cause a void-out, like in the Prologue, which will disintegrate all the non-essential cargo, send you to the Seam and force you to repatriate. It'll be cool if this localized void-out would destroy any nearby structures you've built and if it scatters all cargo for delivery in a decent radius to force you to go collect them, or alternatively force you to go back to base and get new delivery items.

    What do y'all think, and I'm sorry for not checking if this has been suggested before, I'm just scared of spoilers past episode 8 (heartman)

    submitted by /u/anonimen31
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    [EPISODE 7] This episode though.......

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    [SPOILER- CHAPTER 7/8] Reminded me of The Boss from MGS 3

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    Am I the only one that thinks DS's story makes perfect sense?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Also am I the only one who likes delivering more than the story and boss fights?

    submitted by /u/BootiBigoli
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    Hi guys, i had this in my head for a long time and i just wanted to ask, is this somewhat related? are they the same character or i'm just losing my mind?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 09:23 AM PDT

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