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    Wednesday, January 22, 2020

    Death Stranding Every Time I Think I Can Make That Jump

    Death Stranding Every Time I Think I Can Make That Jump

    Every Time I Think I Can Make That Jump

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 11:35 AM PST

    Found a MULE postbox! (pic from Instagram)

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 11:28 AM PST

    I mean. That’s a bit crazy Horizon zero dawn, Pretty crazy to think how old this Easter egg is

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:01 PM PST

    Me running away from responsibilities: Death Stranding edition

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 03:41 AM PST

    Holy shit I want to cry. Thank you so much for your assistance reddit.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 07:29 PM PST

    Fighting Higgs

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:29 PM PST

    I loved how Higgs says its time for an old fashioned boss fight and in the 3rd phase the health bars look like something from street fighter. I'm not completely through the ending chapters but I'm really enjoying how it's all coming together.

    submitted by /u/Fourtires3rims
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    While I was working outside I happened to see an upside rainbow. Please send anti BT aid.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 03:48 PM PST

    I don't know if anyone would consider this a spoiler but I love the way this looks, wish it could have happened sooner.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:18 PM PST

    The fuck, what the happen with Sam ???

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:42 PM PST

    Sam Porter Bridges by ZeOWNI

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:35 PM PST

    Higgs Snapchat takeover?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 10:26 AM PST

    Anyone know why Sam's suit sometimes changes color to a brighter color and sometimes to a darker color. I could swear it's not a lighting thing, I stared at it for so long and it clearly looks nigh white sometimes (images may be not the best representation of what I'm talking about)

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 01:19 PM PST

    Taal Volcano looking a little bit familiar.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 05:46 PM PST

    They should update this picture, looks like a concept version of Sam's model

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 07:10 AM PST

    Thank you Kojima Productions, for these awesome car physics. I was simply trying to brake.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 07:24 AM PST

    I love Death Stranding...but one thing worries me.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 07:16 PM PST

    With the whole community playing the game and putting resources into this world I worry about the future. This is the peak of the game, after a while less and less people will play and keep the roads and bridges running. After a while the game won't be the same. The game will age with a passion and all well have is a great memory of a vibrant world full of people. Then we'll be left with nothing more than an empty wasteland with a dangerous terrain.

    submitted by /u/Brt654
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    Nectar of the gods! *NSFW*

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 07:03 PM PST

    [Endgame] How fast did you pick up on the final twist?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:35 PM PST

    So I beat Death Stranding yesterday, and overall I really enjoyed it! But my favorite part was the ending where it was revealed that Sam was originally a prototype BB unit, and the daughter of Cliff and Lisa. I really liked how it tied everything together: Why Sam has his scar, why he has aphenphosmphobia, why he is a repatriate, why his relationship with his adoptive family seemed so weird, and why Die-Hardman was so hard on himself and apologetic to Sam when he confessed to killing Cliff. I especially liked how they do a fake-out making you think that Sam is seeing BB's memories when he hooks up, but he is really seeing his own memories from when he was a BB unit himself.

    All that said, as the ending started to pick up, when did you realize Sam was Cliff's son and the BB in the flashbacks? I'm asking because I looked up some reactions on youtube to see what other people thought, but most people seemed to have put it together way before I realized. Some guessed as far back as Vietnam, I'm sure other people guessed even farther back (Maybe WWII?). For reference I didn't realize until Sam realized, that is, when Cliff handed him his baby version of himself and Sam says "I..Is this me?". Even like 20 seconds before Cliff addresses Sam as "My son" but it just didn't click for me yet! My brain was still buffering from what I was witnessing. Likewise, during Vietnam, that cutscene worked for me under the presumption that Cliff was entrusting Sam with his BB once he saw their bond. I even figured that Sam picked up the whistling after hearing Cliff whistle through BBs memories.

    Now that I am poking around on Reddit and GameFAQs I saw people commenting on how many players didn't even seem to pick up that Sam was Cliff's BB. So now I'm curious, when did you fully piece it all together? Did that many people really miss that part of the ending?

    One thing is for certain, I got massive chills when time stopped and Cliff started to talk to Sam, and revealed the truth. The vocals from BB's theme kicking in made it that much more gut-wrenching too. This is definitely a game I will sit back and think about with that sense of awe for a bit after finishing it. I haven't really had many games do that to me since the original Xenoblade Chronicles. And while this game didn't affect me as much as that one did (Xenoblade was more of an emotional rollercoaster, this was more of a thought-provoking experience) I still find myself putting on BB's theme and just sitting back and getting lost in my thoughts / the feels.

    submitted by /u/MilkToastKing
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    Is there HQ version of this pic of collectors edition of game?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:06 AM PST

    Because the fish fly in the sky, I have to use grenades to hunt it

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:51 PM PST

    [No Spoilers] I’ve finally reached the snowy mountains, and I’ve been kind of overwhelmed with not having the roads built out there and having to come back to the other side of the map. I decided to set up ziplines reaching all the way back to the distro center! Very relaxing and fun way to travel!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:09 PM PST

    I finally made it to the snowy area of the world. I had to hike basically all the way there. I got kind of overwhelmed seeing all the roads that would potentially need to be built and I was like, damn, how can I get to these areas without spending all this time building roads?! Then I started seeing other players' zip lines around the world, and it got me thinking. I built a path of zip lines all the way from the distro center, all the way to the doctor in the mountains, with stops along the way for each prepper! Don't have to worry about the BTs, don't have to stress about Timefall, don't have to worry about damaging cargo for premium runs! I got it pretty set up rn! And I've been contributing to furthering other player's zip lines as well to keep them up!

    And this is where I see the potential to keep playing the game even after I beat it. To keep helping other player's navigate the world and make it easier for others to pass through. I really hope someone sees my zip lines I've set up in the mountains and make use out of them. I spent a good bit of time setting them up carefully in good spots to navigate accordingly to make cargo runs.

    If you guys are my zip lines, be sure to give them a like and maybe put in a couple materials to keep them up!

    Keep on keeping on porters! 👍

    submitted by /u/Bobaaganoosh
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    [Lore]Analysis of Egyptian Conception of Soul in Death Stranding (Revised)

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 10:41 PM PST

    Edit: Forgot to flair it as Discussion, still new to Reddit posting. Included [Lore] in the title for anyone who is interested to discuss this deeply mysterious part of Death Stranding lore

    Hello. Because my last post did so well, I want to share another writing of mine. This is about how the ancient Egyptians saw "soul" and how Kojima incorporated it into Death Stranding. I also offer how Egyptian metaphysics and mysticism can be applied to certain lore in the game.

    Any feedback is appreciated, and if this interests you, I'd like to have a discussion. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

    Egyptian Conception of Soul and Death Stranding

    The ancient Egyptians did not see the soul as the counterpart of man defined by chirality, but rather a prismatic experience of spirit which the natural world was deeply connected to. These were not constituent components, but rather complete modes of being.

    This metaphysical representation has several parts, that of which consummate an individual. The five parts of the soul were the Ka, the Ba, the Sheut, the Ren, and the Ib. All resided in one's Ha, or material body. Ka is the life-force, or existence immaterial, that once departs its body is free to roam the world material. Ba is their essence--what individualises, personalises, and evokes emotion to others--that lived materially after one's death, and travelled between the world of the living and the dead. Ren was a person's name, and its existence depended on people's preservation of one's name. Sheut was a person's shadow. Ib was one's physical heart, which was the seat of emotion, morality, and thought. The Ib was the key to the afterlife.

    Once dead, the deceased were transfigured and their Ib judged by Anubis. One's Ib was put on a scale and weighed against Maat, the goddess of truth, balance, and justice, who took the form of a feather. If they led a life that is good, the scale would be balanced, and they would pass to the afterworld with their blessed spirit, their Akh, which was the reunification of the Ba and Ka and the only part of soul capable of influencing the lives of mortals.

    One's Ba roamed in the day and returned to the body at night. And complete Ka appeared in the night sky, as stars. It was possible to die in the afterlife, the underworld called "Duat", averted by supplemental spells found in the Book of the Dead. But if it were to happen, this death was permanent.

    The common duality of body-soul means that each are irreducible and essential components to experience. This is at opposite ends to the ancient Egyptian conception of soul, which presented the modes of existence as functionally complete and yet part of a human composite. This reflection is beyond a "chiral" artefact of experience, but we can see how reduced to basic components it carries the same archetype.

    Hideo Kojima took great pains to ingratiate chiral theory into his game Death Stranding. The setting's concepts of a person's Ha and Ka reflect the basic notion that both are of the same individual, the same utility, yet are opposites. The overlap of planes of existence cause the appearance of the setting's main enemy, BT's.

    The ancient Egyptian view of death was very nuanced as it was replete with the idea of perpetual cause. Criminals buried with their names, mummification, embalming and tombs, heart scarabs, clay servants: all were purposed for, what the Egyptians believed, the literal continuation of history. The aversion of cessation, this being the central will of humanity against the Egyptian pantheon it is so at the mercy to, are emblematic of Death Stranding's message of connection, of which life and extinction are inexplicably tied.

    Between the Beach and the material world is the Seam, the intermediate plane of existence where one goes when they die. If we can go further, we can say that the Seam is where souls' Ib are judged, as in Maat Kheru. Souls that languish eternally wander the Seam, as those who pass go on to their Beach. Consequentially this does not make the Beach a sort of limbo, but rather the true world of the dead, or Duat. The deceased body is their own personal Duat (not their tomb), which means everyone has their own Beach. Because of the Death Stranding, the dead find their way to the material world as BT's, Akh, and because they do not have a Ha to inhabit, wander in their shadow of a person, or Sheut. The effacing of mass extinction leads to the mass death of Ren, that or the residing of Sheut, thus the BT's are unidentified.

    Because one's Ba returns at night, the mass return propagates the flooding of sub-BT's, making nighttime far too dangerous. This is why porters, CDT's, and MULE's & Demens, only work in the day. The understanding of Egyptian soul may have practical use. To cease BT presence at least in retrospect, we can create a place in the Ha's likeness where the Ba, or once-Akh can reside. Mummification of the Ha is not possible since the merging of shadow (Sheut) and Ha causes a temporary collapse of the material world (a Voidout). The Ha's likeness can be a painting or a statue. This can be scanned at incinerators and chirally printed before cremation. Offerings of food provide spiritual nourishment.

    The Ka is a guide and protector imbued with the spark of the divine. Unlike other components of soul, which were created at birth, the Ka has always existed. Thus the only methods of ending the Death Stranding is to end of Eternal Recurrence. Ancient Egyptians viewed the scarab as a sign of continual universal renewal, of infinite gestation and death of the universe itself. The new life to come was always around the corner. Ecclesiastes 1:9: "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." This infinite sequence of existences is Fate, and is non-closure for humanity.

    The assertion that humanity is positively linked to global catastrophe, means that we yet still retain a link to the fount of life despite repeated mass extinctions. The five apparitions above a crater in Death Stranding allude to the "Big Five" (or as recent research suggests, the Big Six), the name of the mass extinctions given by paleontologists. This assertion of human's existence being a blemish long-connected by the entire continuity of life has its traditional roots in the Egyptian view of soul. For the ancient Egyptians, worldly experience was invigoured with gods that resided within them, with multiple gods for the same concept; life itself was living and vibrant, where art held a direct and convinctive relationship instead of conceptual representation, and death was closely linked to life, where as one question was answered more were raised--a reflection of the nature of modern science.


    It's not explained very well, but chirality is most regularly used to explain a chemistry property. A chiral molecule/ion is non-superposable on its mirror image. "Chiral" comes from the word "khier", Greek for hand. If you put both hands together, they will mirror each other, but put one on top of the other and the thumbs are on opposite ends. But both hands have the same essential function.

    There may be six mass extinctions instead of five (National Geographic): https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/12/earth-had-more-mass-extinctions-than-realized-end-guadalupian/





    My last post, "Analysis of Chirality in Death Stranding". I thought this would might be of interest to anyone who would like to know more about what chirality is, and how Kojima uses this concept in Death Stranding: https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathStranding/comments/eqc3rm/analysis_of_chirality_in_death_stranding/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x

    submitted by /u/onigf
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